I replaced our 60 Watt-hour driveway light with a 15 Watt-hour solar-powered LED flood light. Solar energy is free and causes no pollution(at least not on earth). Alternative energy sources such as solar/hydro/wind/biomass are here, but none of them could compete cost-wise with the burning of coal/oil/natural gas. The current paradigm of using fossil fuels for power is trifling with our progeny's inheritence.
Instead of powering up new gizmos and luxery items, we should be using technology to reduce per-capita energy consumption and still maintain a decent standard of living. The issue is obviously one of magnitude. I fully realize that my flight to Miami and back last month consumed more energy than a real hunter-gatherer would in his entire lifetime. But it's still a sensible thing to try to curb some of our excess consumption. Moreover, true individualists would want to have a hand in his own energy production. Thus my trials with biomass (green compost) and solar power generation may do some good after all.
In anycase, this is a small, 15 watt step towards becoming self-sufficient.
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