A great deal of food has been produced this week by the tiny organic garden. Since, I'm away in the city, my parents have been harvesting from the beds on a daily basis. The 4 green onion plants continued to produce at a brisk pace. 2 pounds of onions were harvested this week. The pole beans are producing at a furious pace. Over the last week, over 20 lbs of pole beans have been harvested. The two tomato plants have begun producing in earnest.
32 Tomatoes(12 pounds) were harvested in the last week. There are roughly another 180 hanging on the vine.
Our neighbor Jeff has taken a keen interest in the organic garden and has started one himself this year. His set of food crops were a bit different, with way more cabbage, squash, and cucumbers than beans or tomatoes. As such Jeff had a surplus of cucumbers while we had an excess of beans. A quick bartering session resulted in 5 lbs of pole beans for 8 lbs of cucumbers.
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