My suburban garden is coming along at a fair pace. Both apple trees have bloomed and are now growing a green foliage of leaves. It will be 3 more years before any apples can be picked from these young trees. My parents have recently put in a back fence to prevent local youngsters from damaging the garden and our plantings.

The snow peas and the sugar-snap peas are both coming along very nicely. We need to put in some more trellis next week to accommodate the new seedlings. Peas are very useful as a cool season crop. If all goes well, they should provide us with a source of fresh legumes until late July.

The tomato seedlings are growing at a modest pace. We have put down three varieties this year: Beefsteak, Brandywine, and Early Girl. I think the growing plants will need additional stakes for supports within a few weeks. But everything looks good for now.

The red onions and garlic have both come up out of the earth. Their chives are almost ready to harvest. I think within the next 2 weeks, we should be able to begin cutting some of the green chives. Once each onion plant has reached a certain height, a portion of the plant can be cut back once a week until harvest time.

The container potatoes have done better this year then the ones planted within the bed. For some reason the 6 potatoes set down within the garden bed is growing slower than normal. It is possible that not enough compost have been fed to the soil, but I suspect the real reason could be either a soil pH imbalance or inferior quality potato buds.
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