America seems to be sliding into a second great depression. New York city was in a state of shock on Wednesday, so I decided to take 2 days off to go home to Pennsylvania. The garden in my parents' backyard will need a massive expansion if economic conditions continues to worsen. I also wanted to implement a few other preparations to weather this coming storm. So I got home and had a long chat with my father about what is happening in the markets and around the country. Afterwards, we decided to go fishing. The weather was getting cold and fishing will be nearly impossible in a couple of weeks. We drove to our favorite lake and begain casting the lines.

The first few hours were quite uneventful, nothing seemed to bite. Then, beginning around 5pm, we begain getting catch after catch. The volume was so high that we soon lost count of the all the fish that we were catching. White perch, northern crappies, yellow perch, there seemed to be an infinite supply of those. We caught so many that our container couldn't fit them all. Then, around 7pm, as the temperature sank with the sun, we caught our first giant carp fish. This invasive species had apparently migrated along the waterways down to southern PA. As you may recall, my last encounter with this fish(2 years ago) ended in dismal failure. The carp is a strange looking creature, it's face is so much more expressive than normal North American fish. Up close, it looks almost mammalian in origin. In anycase, after we got home, we spent hours gutting and cleaning the fish. We ended up with 48 pounds of cleaned fish, and another 25 lbs of fish offal. The guts we put directly into our compost bins. After checking the freezer, I noticed that we had at least 65 pounds of fish left at the end of the season. Not a bad haul at all!
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