Things have been humming along in my little urban fire-escape garden. The relative isolation of the container garden makes it seem like a little island onto itself sometimes. Perched on the 5th fire-escape of a Manhattan apartment building, there is little if any ecology to speak of. Unlike my sub-urban garden back in Pennsylvania, this little enclave doesn't have to contend with dozens of species of native insects and flora. However, there is one pest that I had to deal with, pigeons. These animals are the air-borne equivalent of rats. These birds have caused me much headache due to their eating of seeds and seedlings that I've planted in the past.

In any case, the Green onions are thriving in their little pots. The lettuce seeds have sprouted and are now growing vigorously. The peas have have been a temperamental lot. 1 of the Oregan Giant Peas have sprouted quickly. A
nother 2 of the sugar snap peas have also sprouted, but their growth has been rather anemic.

I've become rather attached to my little urban garden. These little containers of greenery seem to have an enormous, rejuvenative effect upon a person. Just looking at the little emerald clusters of growth early in the morning seem to make my entire workday feel much better!
1 comment:
hello there - I was wondering if you will doing another free class on how to set up an urban garden anytime soon ? I am interested in starting a rooftop raised bed style garden, but I have absolutely no idea how ;) Would love your help ! Thanks - johanna
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