My father has been kind enough to send over some photos of our garden in PA. Things seem to be going rather well there. The peas are now having sending forth beautiful white blossoms as they climb up the bamboo poles that I set up a couple of months back. This is the essence of vertical farming as every cubic inch of a space is utilized by the food producing plants.

The summer squash plants are doing very well, they are at the stage where they can cover much of the ground area of the garden bed. The pole beans have so far been unmolested by beetles, the lord be praised for that!!! The peppers have not been growing as fast as the squash, but hopefully it'll get enough height to tower over the ground cover that the squash plants will eventually create. The lone European eggplant seems to still be hanging on to life, though clearly the mould from last year seems to be striking the plant's leaves yet again. It appears that 2 of the 3 transplanted Bok Choi greens have survived so far.

The onions and garlic are doing much the same as before. They have been continuously producing lush green stalks that can be periodically harvested for the kitchen. It'll be a couple more months before we can dig up the delicious onion bulbs and garlic cloves that are as yet still growing under ground.

The bio-intensive garden bed looks like it's going crazy! The 4 tomatoes have matured very quickly and 2 of them are already bearing small green tomatoes. The cucumber plant has been growing rapidly as well but has so far fallen short of providing full ground cover. If the bio-intensive methodology espoused by Jeavons prove to be effective, this single bed could produce hundreds of pounds of tomatoes and cucumber this year. But we'll just have to wait and see!

The potatoes in both the garden bed and the containers have grown to their peak size. They have as of yet not flowered, but we're expecting it within the next couple of weeks. The container potatoes have grown especially vibrant. The plants tower over the containers, straining to absorb every last photon of sunlight around them. Life in the garden is such a beautiful thing.
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